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Adventures of Sidney St. George

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Petie Pickette has written a book that will charm the hearts of young readers. Sidney, a bullfrog tinker, and his horse and companion, Copper, show up in the right place at the right time to help people in need. Their exploits are comfort food for a child's soul. This is a perfect snuggle-up book to read to children before bed, as it guarantees a night of sweet, sweet dreams.

Marisa Carbone Finotti, Freelance Writer & Author
The Treasure of Amelia Island

Petie Pickette's quirky long-legged bullfrog who travels the countryside selling his wares, transports the reader back to simpler times. Her back woodsy humor punctuates each of Sidney's chapter adventures. She introduces today's children to the world of yesterday, while reminding readers who are still children at heart, of their own childhood. Sidney, the tinker, always noble of heart, manages to come out on top, no matter what situations befall him. The spice of Sidney's life can be discovered in each funny little verse song that the author generously sprinkles, letting the reader in on Sidney's secrets. This is a delightful story for children of all ages.

Carol-Ann Medina, Author
The Adventures of Gustav Peter Larson Mouse

Peitie Pickette

Growing up with my sister, Mary Grace, in rural North Florida was a pure delight. We played among palm trees, pine trees with their pinecones as ready-made toys, and oak hammocks with long fingers of moss hanging from the tree branches.
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Petie's Books - Petie Pickette, Author & Illustrator
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